Prologue (Japanese: プロローグ, Prologue) is the first, unnumbered episode of both Second Opinion and Under the Knife. It is a story episode. In Second Opinion, no chapter number appears on the Episode Select Screen. The episode is told from the perspective of an unknown narrator.
The episode begins with an establishing shot of Angeles Bay and Hope Hospital. It then introduces a doctor in need of some guidance, but who will “soon come to realize his full potential”.
In Second Opinion, the Hope Hospital theme plays throughout the duration of the episode, while in Under the Knife, the episode plays out in silence.
All 5 text boxes are different between the English versions of Under the Knife and Second Opinion.
Under the Knife | Second Opinion |
This is Hope Hospital, located in the city of Angeles Bay. | This is Hope Hospital, located in downtown Angeles Bay. |
Since its inception, Hope has continuously served the community. | Since its inception, Hope has selflessly served the community. |
One of the young doctors here is still in need of guidance. | One of the newest doctors here is still in need of guidance. |
But, because of his desire to help people, he strives to improve. | But, he strives to improve out of an earnest desire to help people. |
Dr. Derek Stiles will soon realize his full potential… | Dr. Derek Stiles will soon come to realize his full potential… |
Japanese | French | Spanish | German | Italian |
プロローグ | Prologue | Prólogo | Prolog | Prologo |
首都圏近郊、 T県千羽市に居を構える北崎病院。 | Voici l’Hôpital Hope, situé au cœur d’Angeles Bay. | Este es el Hospital Esperanza, situado en la ciudad de Bahía Ángeles. | Willkommen im Hope-Klinikum, gelegen im Zentrum von Angeles Bay. | Questo è l’Hope Hospital, situato nelle vicinanze della città di Angeles Bay. |
地域に溶けこんだ診療で 人々から頼りにされている病院である。 | Depuis le jour de sa création, Hope a servi la communauté sans relâche. | Desde su fundación, el Esperanza ha sido un hospital de referencia de la ciudad. | Seit seiner Gründung stellt sich dieses Institut vorbehaltlos in den Dienst der Allgemeinheit. | Fin dalla sua fondazione, l’ospedale ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale per la comunità. |
ここに、まだ先輩医師の指導を受ける 1人の若い医者がいた。 | Parmi ses nouveaux médecins, il y en a un qui a désespérément besoin d’expérience. | En él trabaja un joven doctor que aún tiene mucho que aprender. | Einer unserer jungen Ärzte benötigt allerdings noch ein wenig Orientierungshilfe. | Qui un giovane dottore sta cominciando a costruire le basi per il suo futuro di medico. |
彼は医療技術を磨きながら、 人々を助ける多忙な毎日を送っている。 | Il veut à tout prix acquérir de la pratique pour être en mesure d’aider les gens. | Pero su deseo de ayudar a los demás le motiva para mejorar día a día. | Doch er arbeitet ernsthaft und fleißig, mit dem ehrlichen Wunsch, Menschen zu helfen. | Spinto dal desiderio di aiutare il prossimo, lavora sodo per migliorare se stesso. |
だが、その真の才能は 未だ眠ったままであった……。 | Le docteur Derek Stiles va atteindre cet objectif plus vite qu’il ne le croit… | Es el Dr. Derek Stiles, que está a punto de descubrir su auténtico potencial… | Schon bald wird Dr. Derek Stiles sein wahres Potenzial erkennen… | Il dott. Derek Stiles si renderà presto conto delle sue grandi doti mediche. |
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